Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Books on NPR

As part of my own personal project to stay attune to NPR podcasts, I've been spending a good portion of the day at work catching up on last week's programs. And lo and behold, they talk about books an awful lot! Here are a few programs I thought would be of interest to the booking world. The Julia Child interview is particularly enjoyable!

Have you seen Julie & Julia? I'm curious about how the characters are each portrayed on screen in contrast to the book, based on the reviewer's comments.

It's also refreshing to hear positive criticism of chick-lit!

And do you have anything to add to the 'Must-Read' children's classics?


Salvatore said...

I just listened to the Julia Child interview. She's always a wonder to listen to, and it is phenomenal what she was able to do to home cooking and French cooking in the States. Although I guess indirectly she's also responsible for Rachael Ray.

Kari said...

UGH, Rachael Ray.