Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Ol' Girls Gone Wild

One very important thing about me that you may or may not already know: I am Southern. I did grow up with running water (contrary to the belief of my Northern friends), I am not Republican, and I barely have an accent, but the South is in my blood. It's the characteristic about myself that I cling to the most while living up here in Yankee-land.

Another thing you may have noticed: Jill McCorkle is one of my favorite authors because she reaches out to that Southern part of me. She's able to capture that distinct Southern-ness without being too overt, by just describing day-to-day life.

So imagine my joy when I find out that a musical is opening Off-Broadway that is based on the stories of Jill McCorkle and fellow Southern author Lee Smith! And even better, my boyfriend Colin works for the theater agency that represents the writer and director, so he got us tickets during the show's previews!

Good Ol' Girls is a musical about life and love told through the stories and songs of five women of various age. For the most part, it celebrates life from beginning to end, including just a hint of the troubles everyone faces. To define it as a typical musical with a plot would be incorrect—it's more a series of vignettes broken up with songs that are just enough to get a deep look at one small aspect of a woman's life before it changes focus.

The music was great and the venue is small enough that the audience is real connected with the women and musicians on stage. And I found them all to be fabulous. Colin claims that parts felt a bit exaggerated...and maybe if I actually lived in the South, I'd feel a bit like it was portraying us a bit inaccurately. But you know what...I live in the North where people drink Pepsi and complain about humidity so I got a kick out of it all, exaggerated or not.

If you're in the NYC area, check it out sometime between now and April 11th!

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